Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Weekend Update - May 2

What a great game Saturday! Granted, it was officially a mud bowl, but our boys played a great game, and we couldn't be happier!

The other team really had some sluggers, and our outfield did a phenomenal job of getting to the ball and getting it back to the infield, which probably saved us a few extra runs here and there.

Even with the infield looking somewhat like Shrek's swamp, the boys did an awesome job at the plate, beating out several great throws to first, and outrunning the infielders on several occasions. For the second game in a row, everyone on the team had a least one hit...that's really impressive, especially given the field conditions.

Nick and Dawson both had a great game, which earned them both game balls for their efforts. Way to go, boys!

We still have two games left (including tomorrow's game), and we're planning to finish strong. There's also a post-season tournament scheduled for the week of May 15-21. More information on that is upcoming from Coach Kyle. We'll be sure to keep you all updated.

Until tomorrow...stay dry, and have a great night!

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Broncos, Home Runs, and Fun!

Hi everyone! Sorry for the delay in getting this out, but WOW! What a weekend, and what a difference between Friday and Saturday!

There's just something about a Friday night's late in the week, everyone's exhausted, and any semblance of concentration has been completely thrown out the window. And that's just the parents! All kidding aside, Friday night was a little ugly, so we're going to just push it aside and concentrate on Saturday.

Saturday's game got off to a rocky start with our new pitcher, Coach Kyle, so we hit the bullpen and brought in a reliever. Once the change was in effect, our boys couldn't be stopped at the plate! Almost everyone got on base, and we even had our very first home run! Bentley flat out SMOKED a ball to left field, and he didn't quit running until he was back in the dugout. Way to go, Bentley!

Game ball honors on Saturday went to Austin for his excellent fielding effort, and honorable mentions went out to Ben, Bentley, Chris and Dawson, all of whom were virtual brick walls in the infield.

Strangely, we don't have any games this week until Saturday morning, when we play at the Coal Mountain Navy Raiders. That game will be on Coal Mountain Field 4, and we start at 11:00. After that, we have games on Thursday and next Saturday morning. More details on those games later.

We're planning to practice next Wednesday night (May 6th) from 6:30 to 7:30. That practice will be at Central Park on Field 8. We'll be working on hitting and the "where do I go with this ball?" situation. Hope you can all make it!

Until then...see you Saturday!


Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Broncos Review - Game 5

What a great game last night! Our boys had the best outing they've had since our first game, and we couldn't be more proud!

Only one ball got past our infield, and we really did a great job of keeping the other team limited to singles. Our pitchers had another great game, running down several players at the plate, and almost throwing out a couple of runners at first and third. Chris, Bentley, and Griffin had outstanding stops and throws throughout the game. Way to go, boys!

We also had a great day at the plate, with all of the boys getting on base at least once. The highlight of the night, of course, was Micah having our team's first out-of-field experience. In his first at-bat, Micah hit a foul ball that flew over the fence along the third base line, and even hit a car! Coach Kyle rewarded the effort by awarding Micah the game ball. Congratulations, Micah! Connor, Ben, Nick, and Jacob also had great nights at the plate, and did a great job on the basepath, too.

Last night, our focus was on running as fast as the boys possibly could when runnnig the bases. We were rewarded with an explosion of runs, and with some close plays at third and first (most of which we won!).

Our next game is Friday night at 6:00. The game will be played at Bennet Park on Field 4, and we'll be playing the Central Park Braves.

See you there!

Monday, April 20, 2009

Game 4 Review

What a game Saturday morning! That team had some of the best hitters we've seen this season, and our boys did an awesome job in the infield!

With the exception of the two balls that got past our infield and outfield, we really did a great job of keeping the other team limited to singles. Our pitchers had another great game, running down several players at the plate.

We also had a great day at the plate, with all of the boys getting on base at least once. The bottom of the second was tough, as it seemed like every ball we hit headed straight towards first base for easy put-outs.

Chris, Griffin, Ben, and Bentley had particularly good days in the infield, and Chris was awarded the game ball for his infield play and great hitting. Congratulations, Chris!

We'll continue to work with the boys on the strategy of getting the ball to the correct base when there are runners aboard. We'll also be working with the outfield to remain focused at all times. As the kids become stronger hitters over the course of the season, we're going to see more balls headed towards the outfield, and that will be a huge part of our defense.

Our next game is tonight at 6:00. The game will be played at Coal Mountain Park on Field 4, and we'll be playing the Grey Raiders.

See you tonight!

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Game 3 Update

Congratulations to the Broncos for another great night of baseball Monda night! We played the Coal Mountain White Raiders this time around and, while we didn't emerge victorious, we had a great game.

The boys did a great job at the plate, as well as in the field. Apparently, there's just something about playing at Coal Mountain and one of the boys getting injured, though. Bentley got hit in the leg by a line drive while at the Pitcher position. We moved him to the outfield to recuperate, and Coach Kyle rewarded his toughness by presenting him with the game ball.

Jacob and Mikah had another night in the field, stopping pretty much everything that came their way. Nolan also had an outstanding night at first base, collecting two unassisted put-outs in the first inning. Finally, Griffin did a great job at second base, and came within a hair's breadth of running down a Raider at second base. Way to go, boys!

We'll continue to work with the boys on the strategy of getting the ball to the correct base when there are runners aboard. Since we're off for the next two weeks for Spring Break, there's always the chance that some of the lessons we've learned so far could be un-learned. Along those lines, we're considering hosting a couple of optional practices over the next two weeks. Please e-mail Coach Kyle if you'd like to participate, and we'll work on securing a practice field.

Our next game will be Saturday, April 18th at 11:00. The game will be played at Bennett Park on Field 3, and we'll be playing the Central Park Rays.

Please feel free to give either of us a shout if you'd like to practice over Spring Break. Thanks again for a great night on Monday. See you soon!

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Broncos In Action This Weekend!

Congratulations to the Broncos for another great night of baseball Tuesday night! We played the Coal Mountain Black Raiders this time around and, while we didn't emerge victorious, we had a great game.

The boys did a great job at the plate, as well as in the field. We even had our first tough-it-out injury as Ben was struck by a line drive while playing pitcher. True to form for Ben, though, he stuck it out and stayed in position. Coach Kyle rewarded his toughness by presenting Ben with Tuesday's game ball.

Jacob and Mikah also had great nights in the field, stopping pretty much everything that came their way. Way to go, boys!

Just a quick note about safety... As you may have noticed, we're starting to see some stronger-hitting teams as the season goes on, and it's becoming more and more important for the boys to remain focused while in the field. We'd love to continue to rotate the boys between the infield and outfield, but their safety is our primary concern. We'll keep a close eye on everyone, and will continue to do our best to rotate players through the various positions. We'll also be reminding everyone to pay close attention to everything that's going on around them so they don't get hurt. They'll enjoy the game more, and will be safer, too!

Our next game will be Saturday morning at 11:00. The game will be played at Bennett Park on Field 3, and we'll be playing the Central Park Braves.

Also, please remember that our team pictures are scheduled for Sunday at 2:45. Please fill out the photo envelope that Donna Grindle gave you earlier in the season. If you did not receive one, please see Donna at the game on saturday. The picutres are scheduled to be done at Bennett park; however, if it is raining they will be held at Coal Mountain community center. Donna will let you know if the plans are changed. Thanks again for a great night on Tuesday. See you Saturday!

Monday, March 23, 2009

Great First Game...Broncos Win 11-7!

Congratulations to the Broncos on our first regular season win! We played the Bennett Park Orange Broncos (not to be confused with the Blue Broncos) this Saturday, and came out on top as 11-7 winners. Way to go, boys!

Coach Kyle started a new Blue Broncos tradition on Saturday. Immediately following each game, the coaches will name an MVP for that particular game. The MVP will receive a game ball and (drum roll...) a packet of Skittles! Saturday's MVP was Nolan Wood. Nolan played first base during the last inning, and did a fantastic job of remaining focused and determined, and we were impressed by both.

Also this weekend, we implemented a helmet sticker rewards program. The program is similar to the one frequently used by college football programs. Essentially, for every hit, put-out, or great play, our boys will receive a smiley-face sticker to place on their helmets. We'll distribute the stickers during our post-game wrap-up, and all of the boys will receive recognition in one way or another. We handed out quite a few stickers this weekend, and we're looking forward to passing out even more as the season progresses.

A few game highlights...

Saturday's game was a remarkable improvement over Friday night's. The boys remained more or less glued to their spots in the infield (there were no dog-piles on Saturday!), and they absolutely lit it up at the plate. Ben Garosi even had our team's first TRIPLE! Congratulations, Ben!

Other great plays came from Bentley Wheeler, who had another solid outing at the pitcher spot by tagging (or forcing) out several runners at Home. Chris Johnston also had our first unassisted put-out at a base other than Home or First, by fielding a ground ball at forcing out a runner at Second. Way to go, Chris and Bentley!

Our next game will be Tuesday night at 6:00. The game will be played at Coal Mountain on Field 3. See you all there!

Friday, March 20, 2009

Great First Game!

What a great first game we had on Wednesday! We travelled all the way down to Midway Park, where we played the Midway Yellow Jackets. Unfortunately, the other team didn't have enough players to field a full roster, and they were forced to forfeit. Fortunately, they had just enough players to make things interesting, and we were able to have a short scrimmage game with them.

The boys did a great job with both hitting and fielding. There was an especially high level of enthusiasm in the infield, where most ground balls were met with a dog-pile of players chasing the ball down. Don't worry, parents...we'll work with the boys to keep them from getting hurt out there!

We were very proud of everyone's efforts, and we'd like to give our MVP award for the night to Bentley, who was 2-for-2 at the plate, and had several put-outs at Home and First Base. Great job, Bentley!

As promised pre-season, here are a few photos from Wednesday night's game. See everyone tonight!

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Full-Season Schedule!

Great news!! Our full season schedule has finally been released!

As a quick reminder, we have our second pre-season tournament game Friday night at 7:00. The game will be played at Central Park on Field 8. Please be sure to arrive by 6:40 so we have ample time for warm-ups, etc.

Along those lines, thank you all for a great first pre-season game last night! Unfortunately, the other team wasn't able to field a complete lineup, so they were forced to officially forfeit; however, since they had enough players to keep it interesting, the scrimmage went on as planned. The boys did a great job with hitting, and they were VERY exuberant in their efforts at fielding. We'll continue to work with them to keep the dog-piles to a minimum!

Below is a quick rundown of our full season schedule. We'll print this out and have it available at tomorrow night's game. Additionally, Donna Grindle will be assigning snack and beverage duties for each game (thanks for great snacks last night, Donna!).

There will be an end-of-season tournament held from May 15th through May 21st, as well.

Thanks again to all of you for your support so far. We're looking forward to a great season. See you all tomorrow!

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Pre-Season Tournament Rescheduled!

Our first game will be played tomorrow night (Wednesday) at 6:00. We'll be playing at Midway Park (directions follow), on Field 2. Please plan to arrive at 5:40, and be sure to dress your child in his Bennett Park uniform.

As a reminder, our second game has been rescheduled for Friday night at 7:00. That game will be played at Central Park on Field 8. Please plan to arrive at 6:40 for warm-ups, etc. Thanks so much for your continued patience with the weather this season. With a little luck, the regular season should go much more smoothly!

Thanks again to all of you for your support so far. We're looking forward to a great season. See you all tomorrow!

** - Directions to Midway Park from 400 South:
Take 400 South to Exit 13 (GA 141), and turn right
Take a left onto Highway 9 South and travel 3.8 miles to Post Road (GA 371)
Turn right onto Post Road, and travel 3.5 miles to Midway Park

See you on the field!

Monday, March 16, 2009

(Yet Another) Game Cancelled...

As we thought might be the case, Forsyth County Parks & Recreation has cancelled all outdoor activities for tonight, including our pre-season tournament game. As yet, the game has not been rescheduled, but we'll be sure to let you know as soon as it is.

On a positive note, our rained-out game from Saturday has been rescheduled for this Friday, March 20th, at 7:00. We'll be playing at Central Park, Field 8. As with our rained-out games, please plan to arrive 20 minutes early so we can warm up, etc.

To make sure that we're all on the same page, please e-mail Coach Brian to let him know that you've received this message.

So sorry to miss out on seeing everyone tomorrow, especially since we were so looking forward to a great scrimmage game tonight, but we'll certainly look forward to seeing you all again on Friday night.

Have a great night, and try to stay dry!

Friday, March 13, 2009

Pre-Season Tournament Reminder

Thanks again for another great practice on Wednesday night! The boys really seemed to enjoy the scrimmage, and they did a great job.

As a reminder, our pre-season tournament officially begins tomorrow at 1:00 PM. We'll be playing at Central Park, on Field 8. Please plan to arrive at 12:40, and be sure to dress your child in his Bennett Park uniform.

Keeping to what appears to be a spring ball tradition, it looks like we may have rain! Please keep an eye on the skies tomorrow morning, and call the Parks and Recreation Weather Hotline at 770-886-2851 to make sure that we're still on. We'll do our best to find out ahead of time whether the weather will be an issue, and we'll give you a call if we get cancelled. There is a rainout policy in effect, and details will be passed along to us if we get rained out.

Our second (and final) pre-season tournament game will be held Monday night at 6:00 PM. That game will be played at Central Park, as well, and we'll be on Field 8. Please plan to arrive at 5:40 for that game.

Thanks again to all of you for your support so far. We're looking forward to a great season. We'll hope to see you all tomorrow!

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Pre-Season Tournament Begins This Weekend!

Thanks for a great practice on Monday night! We sincerely appreciate all the help we've been receiving from all of you, especially those of you who have joined us on the filed in a coaching capacity. Keeping five-year-olds occupied and interested is quite a chore, and we couldn't do it without you!

Tonight will be our final pre-season practice, and our pre-season tournament officially begins this Saturday at 1:00 PM. We'll be playing at Central Park, on Field 8. Please plan to arrive at 12:40, and be sure to dress your child in his Bennett Park uniform. The tournament is really more of a pre-season scrimmage, but it will give us a great opportunity to see how far we've come in the few weeks that we've been able to practice. The games will run for roughly one hour, and a cap of five runs per inning has been put in place to keep things fair for both teams.

Our second (and final) pre-season tournament game will be held Monday night at 6:00 PM. That game will be played at Central Park, as well, and we'll be on Field 8. Please plan to arrive at 5:40 for that game.

Our regular season will begin during the week of March 23rd. Final scheduling details are still being worked out, and we should have our schedule soon. We'll be sure to keep you updated as we receive more information.

Finally, please note Donna Grindle's e-mail yesterday regarding the team t-shirt fundraiser. The t-shirts are $10 each, and will feature all of our boys' names on the back, with a Bennett Park logo and other information on the front. This is an excellent opportunity for us to show our team pride while helping to improve our park at the same time. Please see Donna tonight at practice if you'd like to purchase a t-shirt. According to her e-mail yesterday, she'll be "the one with the clip board." (Thanks Donna!!)

Thanks again to all of you for your support so far. We're looking forward to a great season. Don't forget that practice will be held tonigt from 5:30 until 6:30 at Bennett Park. See you all there!

Monday, March 2, 2009

March 2nd Practice Cancelled

In the interest of keeping our boys warm and healthy, we've decided to cancel our practice for this evening (Monday, March 2nd). Wednesday promises to be much warmer, and we're not expecting any more rain...maybe we'll actually get a full week of practice next week!

Stay warm tonight, and we'll see everyone on Wednesday!

Friday, February 27, 2009

Opening Day - Cancelled

As we thought might be the case, Forsyth County Parks & Recreation has cancelled all outdoor activities for tomorrow, including our Opening Day Ceremonies and team pictures. As yet, the pictures have not been rescheduled, but we'll be sure to let you know as soon as they are.
So sorry to miss out on seeing everyone tomorrow, especially since we were so looking forward to a great scrimmage game against the other five-year-old team, but we'll certainly look forward to seeing you all again next Monday at 5:30 (field 3!).

Have a great weekend...and try to stay dry!

Monday, February 23, 2009

Practice Notes: February 23

Just a quick reminder about this week's baseball activities:

Monday, February 23: Practice. Bennett Park, Field 3. 5:30 - 7:00 PM.

Wednesday, February 25: Practice. Bennett Park, Field 3. 5:30 - 6:30 PM.

Saturday, February 28: Opening Day Ceremonies. Bennett Park. 1:00 PM. Opening day will be a fun-filled day of team pictures and scrimmage games. The Atlanta Braves organization will also be on hand with giveaways and prizes. Additionally, our team will receive its official game uniforms. You won't want to miss it! Please note that we incorrectly listed this event as occurring on Sunday in our original welcome letter. We apologize for the oversight.

Reminder: Should the weather turn on us at any time this season, you can call the Forsyth County Parks and Recreation Weather Hotline at (770) 886-2851.
See you on the field!

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Practice Cancelled - February 18

As we thought might be the case, Forsyth County Parks & Recreation has cancelled all outdoor activities for today, including our practice for this evening. So sorry to miss out on seeing everyone this evening, but we'll certainly look forward to seeing you all again next Monday at 5:30 (field 3!).

See everyone next week!

Coach Kyle & Coach Brian

Practice Notes: February 18

Just a quick reminder, our second team practice will be held tonight from 5:30 until 6:30 at Bennett Park field #3. Please note that the practice schedule this week will continue for the next couple of weeks. We'll try to practice until 7:00 on Mondays, but only until 6:30 on Wednesdays - weather/cold permitting.

Speaking of may have noticed that the weather today is somewhat less than spectacular. When the weather threatens, we rely on the Forsyth Parks & Rec department to handle practice and game cancellations. The Parks & Rec department has set up a hotline with recorded messages to keep us updated on cancellations, postponements, and more. That number is (770) 886-2851. Please call before heading out to practice tonight, especially if things are looking dicey.

With the weather out of the way, we'd like to thank you all for a great first practice. The boys did an excellent job of listening, and managed to stay focused for almost a full small accomplishment when you're talking about 4 and 5-year-olds!

Also, we'd like to thank David Wood for stepping in as an assistant coach on Monday. Please know that any and all parents who would like to help out at practice are more than welcome to do so. If you'd like to serve as an assistant during games, we'll need you to fill out a background check with the Parks & Rec department. Just let one of us know, and we'll point you in the right direction!

Thanks again, everyone. Weather permitting, we'll see you all tonight!

Coach Kyle and Coach Brian

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Welcome to BPBroncoBlog!

Hello parents! Welcome to BPBroncoBlog, your home for the Spring 2009 Bennett Park Broncos. Here you'll find news, highlights, schedules, and team information for the Spring 2009 Bennett Park Broncos. Coach Kyle and Coach Brian will update this blog regularly to keep family and friends of the Broncos up-to-date with our team's activities. Check back frequently, or click on the "Subscribe Me!" icon below to receive instant updates when we publish a new message. We're looking forward to a great season!

We'll start our posts with a bit of background on our coaches, as well as our schedule for the pre-season.

Coach Kyle
My wife, Amanda, and I have one son, Griffin (4), and two daughters, Brylee (8), and Aubrey (8 months). I’m looking forward to a great season, and to developing our team's skills. First and foremost, we’ll be focusing on the fundamentals of baseball, but we’ll be placing a special emphasis on teamwork, cooperation, and – most importantly – fun!

Coach Brian
Coach Brian is a lifelong baseball fan, and is looking forward to working with our team to develop the solid fundamentals that are the hallmark of great baseball players. Brian and his wife, Holly, have two sons, Christopher (5), and Matthew (2).

Practice Schedule
Practice will be held Monday and Wednesday nights from 5:30 - 7:00 at Bennett Park, Field #3.
Practice begins Monday, February 16th. Our final practice will be Wednesday, March 11th.

Pre-Season Tournament
Our team will be participating in a pre-season tournament during the week of March 13 - 20, and our games will most likely fall during the weekend of the 14th.

Opening Day Ceremonies
As an exciting kick-off to the season, Bennett Park will host an Opening Day Ceremony on Sunday, February 28th, beginning at 1:00. Opening day will be a fun-filled day of team pictures and scrimmage games. The Atlanta Braves organization will also be on-hand with giveaways and prizes. Additionally, our team will receive its official game uniforms. You won’t want to miss it!

Uniforms, Equipment, Etc.
While uniforms, hats, and belts will be provided by the league, your child will need to supply his own glove, bat, and batting helmet. If you need any assistance in purchasing any of these items, please contact James Parks at, or (770) 781-2215. All that’s required of you as a team parent is to provide a loving, supportive environment for our boys to grow as individuals and as a team.

In the coming weeks, we’ll also be searching for a Team Director. This individual will be responsible for coordinating snack lists, maintaining team schedules and statistics, as well as managing the several fundraising efforts supported by Bennett Park throughout the season. If you’re interested in serving in this capacity, we'd love to hear from you.

Inclement Weather
Games may be postponed, re-scheduled, or cancelled due to inclement weather. If the weather is threatening, please call the Forsyth County Parks & Recreation Department's Inclement Weather Line at (770) 886-2851, or click here. Cancelled games will be re-scheduled as necessary, and new game times will be posted here as soon as we have information.

Again, welcome to the Bennett Park Broncos! Coach Brian and I are looking forward to a great season!

See you on the field...

Coach Kyle