Friday, March 20, 2009

Great First Game!

What a great first game we had on Wednesday! We travelled all the way down to Midway Park, where we played the Midway Yellow Jackets. Unfortunately, the other team didn't have enough players to field a full roster, and they were forced to forfeit. Fortunately, they had just enough players to make things interesting, and we were able to have a short scrimmage game with them.

The boys did a great job with both hitting and fielding. There was an especially high level of enthusiasm in the infield, where most ground balls were met with a dog-pile of players chasing the ball down. Don't worry, parents...we'll work with the boys to keep them from getting hurt out there!

We were very proud of everyone's efforts, and we'd like to give our MVP award for the night to Bentley, who was 2-for-2 at the plate, and had several put-outs at Home and First Base. Great job, Bentley!

As promised pre-season, here are a few photos from Wednesday night's game. See everyone tonight!

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