Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Broncos Review - Game 5

What a great game last night! Our boys had the best outing they've had since our first game, and we couldn't be more proud!

Only one ball got past our infield, and we really did a great job of keeping the other team limited to singles. Our pitchers had another great game, running down several players at the plate, and almost throwing out a couple of runners at first and third. Chris, Bentley, and Griffin had outstanding stops and throws throughout the game. Way to go, boys!

We also had a great day at the plate, with all of the boys getting on base at least once. The highlight of the night, of course, was Micah having our team's first out-of-field experience. In his first at-bat, Micah hit a foul ball that flew over the fence along the third base line, and even hit a car! Coach Kyle rewarded the effort by awarding Micah the game ball. Congratulations, Micah! Connor, Ben, Nick, and Jacob also had great nights at the plate, and did a great job on the basepath, too.

Last night, our focus was on running as fast as the boys possibly could when runnnig the bases. We were rewarded with an explosion of runs, and with some close plays at third and first (most of which we won!).

Our next game is Friday night at 6:00. The game will be played at Bennet Park on Field 4, and we'll be playing the Central Park Braves.

See you there!

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